
The old station inn pub is close by for evening meals.  


This time we met up at the Mulberry factory oulet at Sheppton Mallert, some of us having a quick stop at the farm shop on route.
Not all of us purchased items at the Mulberry shop but those that did were more than pleased.
We arrived at Midsomer to find their Friday drop in day packed to capacity and as we didn't wish to disrupt we headed off to the Radstock Museum.
They we holding the Midsomer Quilting's third exhibition. Absolutely stunning yet again and we had the pleasure of Jenny Lester showing us around and telling us about certain quilts, some inside knowledge. Chris did look worn out from putting up the show. But well worth the visit.
The morning bought us snow flurries with snow predicted in the afternoon. We had thought we may have a quilt in, I don't think the garden centre would approve! We could have always taken over the B&B dining room again. 

We quickly set up our sewing machines and after a talk with Jenny we were all on our way. I chose to finish the part assembled quilt from last year and am happy to say a day of squirrelling myself upstairs did wonders I was able to get it together.

Others also worked on there own with Jenny's help, but most enjoyed the new design and had achieved most of the 40 blocks before Sunday afternoon.
We went out for the usual dinner and found out that I had booked the pub 5miles down the road which has the same name! They were so accomodating we had a good laugh.

We awoke to snow on the ground and ice so we stuck to the main roads with caution and all got about safely. another great weekend enjoyed buy all and I look forward to running the next one.




Again all twelve ladies headed off down to Midsomer Quilting on the Friday stopping at Whitrow Farm shop on the A36 for Lunch. We arrived at Midsomer in time to meet Jenny Lester and go over the weekend plans and patterns of what she was teaching. This year we had two different patterns to choose from, a One Block Wonder and Box a Metric. 

We had also decided that we would work on a quilt for Montana who is the daughter of Sally,  the B & B owner.

On Friday night we arrived at the copperbeeches B&B and settled in, then took over the downstairs area to start putting our already prepared blocks together.

We had all made blocks of pinks, cats and jewellery.  These we then squared them up and added some striped pieced blocks amongst them. On Saturday during lunch time the quilt was quilted and the binding attached. On Saturday evening at the B & B we hand finished with a label. We then headed to the local pub the Waldgrave Arms for a fun evening, where the owner is now used to having a noisy bunch of ladies for two nights of the year. 

Montana had seen us working on the quilt and was thrilled when she received it from us.  

Montana with her Quilt We had a busy cutting day with Jenny on the Saturday and it gave us all lots of sewing time. I decided to use the stack and wack fabric from a quilt I had been working on for about six years. Other ladies purchased new fabric from Midsomer, they always have the lastest up to date ranges available. The class room had a good layout and  plenty of room for us all to work.

hard at workworking awaytrying out one block wonder layout Jenny\\'s quilt Midsomer Retreat 2011

We all had two days of great sewing and great company. Dining out at the local pub in the evenings and getting to know the owners better.

De, Chris and Birgitta were as helpful as ever and really enjoyed having us there,  Chris mainly because he gives me a hard time being a Kiwi and making sure we eat all the food that we brought with us.

We are fully booked again for next year at Midsomer with Jenny Lester and at the B&B and at the pub.

I really must consider putting on another retreat so others can enjoy this too. If anyone is interested in this please let me know.

So thank you ladies for making it such a success. 


MIDSOMER RETREAT  -  2010. Review by Mo.

There were 12 of us on the retreat this year. The journey to Chewton Mendip (the B & B and pub accommodation) is roughly 3 hours. Those of us in the know stopped for lunch at a superb farm shop on route, where weekend lunch supplies were also bought. Three large cakes was a bit excessive, but hey, we were hungry women.

Arriving at Midsomer Quilters early afternoon, we were given the now customary warm welcome by the staff, met our tutor Catherine Millar and dropped off our machines etc. We had plenty of time to browse in the shop and change our choices of fabric if we wanted to!!

dinnerThen A 10-minute trip to the B & B and pub. We all met up for pre dinner drinks and nibbles at the B & B and then a short walk to the pub for a huge dinner in the evening, which was a great way to get to know each other.dinner2

Next morning, arriving at the shop/workroom, we started work straight away after a demonstration by Catherine. A brief stop for lunch, and we were off again. By Saturday afternoon, quite a few of us had sandwiched our 16½ squares together ready to quilt as you go method the next day.

On arrival back at the B & B some of us helped Anne to construct a bunting banner for her 18 yr old twins birthday. We started at 5 and had almost completed it by 6! The speed of Jules lettering skills had us wondering of she'd had a misspent youth as a graffiti artist. Another great night at the pub with lots of fun and laughter.

Suddenly it was Sunday, our last day. Denise returned the saucepan lid she "stole" the previous night from Catherine (ask her yourselves!). Manic sewing all day, and a mountain of food to get through, but we managed it. All in all a great success, roll on next years retreat.

By the way, Jules completed a quilt top....AGAIN! Will anyone ever match her speed? 

Castle Quilters banner